Open Your Heart & Take The Risk !

Have you been hurt before? Well it sucks. Big time. But the worst thing is its not just the memory’s that suck its the
fear that its going to happen again. So we build walls close our selves of from the next person to come along have
trouble even trusting people cause we always assume the worst in people from then on. And some people have been
hurt like this multiple times even a few times in a row so they build those walls ten times higher and  multiply their
defence and fear of this happening again by 100!

But let me let you in on a little secret. Nothing anyone says will make the hurt easy! But that’s life isn’t it ? Not
everything is easy some things are hard its what makes you who you are. That door opened to open up a new one,
a new opportunity this all happens for a reason!

But don’t let the hurt from that closing door make you slam the next one in your face! And I know your saying “its easy
to say it” or “its not that easy when it actually happens to you” I have had it happen to me i know how it feels. I know it
isn’t as easy as everyone thinks it is or how people think they know how you feel when they don’t. But don’t let this
disconnect you from your life, say YES! to that opened door feel that adrenalin rush for all the amazing times you’ll have
with someone new. Don’t let someone else’s mistake for not seeing what they had in front of them was as good as they could
get that what they had was amazing close your life of you deserve the joys of your life

I’m in no way saying you need someone to be happy because I believe you should be happy on your own or you wont be as
happy with with that someone else. If you have been hurt before and the relation ship comes to an end its good to have some
time to yourself but just make sure its for all the right reasons. not because you’re afraid that it is pain lying ahead because
pain is a possibility from letting someone new in but happiness is just as much if not more of a possibility too 

Here’s my advice
GO FOR IT ! Don’t think what if and focus on whats right ahead of you! Dont you want to get those mad butterflies for no reason
again? the most hurtful what if is when you will look back and say “what if I gave it a chance”.

But if all this fails grab your friend some popcorn ice cream and chocolate stick on those comfy pyjamas of yours and watch all
the best movies and just vent everything out. Because that can be some of the best memories you have too !

The Summertime Body Project – Workout Challenge



For me this is one of the main things the workout.
I like to eat whatever food i like which means if I dont exercise I will put on them pounds
And thats exactly what happened to me my body isn’t 100% ready for those bikinis or crop tops or shorts 
So i was looking around and i came across this and i love it its a 30 day challenge to get the beach body you want
I do this everyday to go over all the muscles together after this I take a 1 minute break and do a different exercise aiming 
at specific parts of my body eg : this then legs/stomach/bum but ill have the other exercises up another day 

The beginning of our blog!

We set up this blog to tell stories about our live including all those deep moments
Be they sad happy or even so embarrassing you wouldn’t even tell your pet fish !

we came up with this idea in a web design class as we both had blogs
Sharons: tyspanishirlanda
Chantelles: theteennovice
Come along with us threw our lives and see all the weird crazy but amazing stuff we get up to !
youd be crazy to miss out on it!


The Summertime Body Project – Summer Hairstyles



Want easy summer hair but don’t want to spend to long on it? Well I have some good news for you
I have three easy to do very maintainable hairstyles that are perfect for that summertime look 


1.Fishtail Braids
The first look I have for you is The fishtail braid. I bet you are saying i thought these were supposed to be easy!
Well although it looks hard this hairstyle is very simple! which is great because everyone will get the impression you
spent ages on your hair! And all you need is a comb and an elastic band with an optional pretty hairband !
Okay lets get this started  

  • Breathe and remember this is easy
  • Divide your hair into to large sections. Brush it threw with the comb if you want a neat look
    or leave it if you want it messy. If your a beginner at this I would recommend a side fishtail
  • Pull out a strand of hair from the outermost part of the first section and bring it over to the
    second section. Like cross stranding. The thinner the strands the better the braid will look 
  • Repeat this until your at the end and your done! You can tie it with a pretty satin band 
    or just tie it of with a small clear elastic band to give it the perfect finish




2. Loose Curls 
The second look I have is loose curls. I think most people know how to do this but I’ll explain how
it is done anyway. There is a few different ways to do this but I use a curling iron so I’ll explain how 
to do it with that. Things you will need heat protection and a 3″ or preferred size of curling iron and
optional hairspray

  • Its always best to start with straight or slightly wavy hair and second day hair works even better
  • While you are waiting for the curling iron to heat up put heat protection into your hair 
  • Wrap between three quarters to half your hair around the curling iron. If you have a lot 
    of hair clip the top section up and start with the back and work your way forward 
  • Run your fingers threw your curls to comb threw your hair. Don’t use a comb or brush to
    do this because it will get rid of your curls.
  • Once you like the curlsand think they are combed threw enough you can add some hairspray
    to keep the look for longer or just let it be and the waves will get looser adding to the look



3. Beach waves
the third look is almost the same as loose curls 
all you need is mouse hairspray and flat iron 

  • Add mouse to damp hair and blow dry 
  • clamp a strand of hair and twist the flat iron 180 degrees then unclamp and move the flat iron
    lower and clamp and twist 180 degrees in the other direction and continue to end of strand
  • Continue this for all the sections of hair keeping in mind the larger the sections the looser the
  • Run fingers threw hair and add hairspray if you want 

    There you go  3 beautiful hairstyles for summer! xx

The summertime body project – tanning

So to start this of the first thing I do to get that summertime body is to get the tan and me being from Ireland makes this hard
so I go to fake tan for this and I know some people don’t agree with fake tan but it’s for summer you don’t want to be pale !
Well at least I don’t so I use it just until the weather picks up a bit so I can get a tan from going to the beach !
So far I’ve been using the cocoa brown 1 hour tan this tan is good it just doesn’t go to the desired colour on me unless I leave it on for two hours instead of one and the brilliant thing is it doesn’t even have that fake tan smell !
So girls get that bum of the sofa and go to your nearest drug store and buy yourself a bottle of fake tan and a fake tan glove or you could even buy a spray tan but make sure it lasts more than 1 wash because it won’t come of when your in the pool or the water at the beach you wouldn’t want that happening now would you xx