fruit infusion water


So I was looking threw and came across a photo of ‘fruit infusion water’ and thought it was a great idea!
The water looks and tastes so cute you are bound to drink enough water threw out your day I know I wouldn’t be able
to stop drinking it. So do you want to know a few of these recipes ?

Mint strawberry

  • 5 mint leaves whole
  • 4-6 sliced or whole small to medium sized strawberries
  • water
  • cute glass or mason jar or even water bottle for the go
  • ice (optional)

Raspberry lemon

  • 6-8 small to medium sized raspberrys
  • 1/2 small lemon sliced
  • water
  • cute glass or mason jar or even water bottle for the go
  • ice (optional)

Orange blueberry 

  • 1/2 large orange sliced
  • 8-10 blueberries small
  • water
  • cute glass or mason jar or even water bottle for the go
  • ice (optional)


  • 1 medium or small sized lime sliced
  • water
  • ice (optional)
  • cute glass or mason jar or even water bottle for the goyou might want to vary the amount you put in to the size of the glass and how strong you want the water